
What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Everybody has a story …or two. IMHO, it’s the listening part of storytelling  that is the most healing. Being heard is what we all require. We can say, “Yes, you are beside me and I hear you.” I first became aware of this in a conscious way just before my...

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Losing Friends

Losing Friends

It seems that many of my human friends are losing their four-legged friends lately. In addition to puppy and dog portraits, I am doing memorial images. We are so grateful for their unconditional love and miss it so. The portraits are started by studying photographs of...

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Striped Pajamas

Striped Pajamas

The excuse for last week’s non post, as excuses go, merits little explanation.  For my birthday last weekend, among all the many kindnesses, someone gave me a cold.  On we go… Striped Pajamas.  It’s not about the children’s song I learned from Captain Kangaroo about...

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The Calico Dog, My Rebellious Entry into Sewing

The Calico Dog, My Rebellious Entry into Sewing

Sixth grade.  I found the pattern in Mom’s woman’s magazine. I don’t now where I got the fabric; it wasn’t really calico, but definitely not gingham.  So, though the poem talks of a gingham dog and calico cat, I made a calico dog. Rebellious start to finish!  The...

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Marie Kondo, Filing, Letting Go, and Dust Bunnies

I love Marie Kondo. However… I have never seen her try to tidy an artist’s studio.  My entire home is a studio.  This week, overwhelmed with file boxes, crates and stacks of papers that trip up the simplest of movements and bruise shins, I bought two (more) file...

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Consider it a double blessing when you make a gift with your own hands. The act of making for a particular person is a gift to the maker as well as the recipient.  The outcome or “product” is one of a kind, unique, thoughtful, and rare. The connection between you and...

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One more page for the fabric book! ...

Hello 2024. A blessing in every bean. ...

Back to the fabric book started in October for Day of the Dead. To remember my Pomeranian, Hope.
However long it takes. Keep stitching.

New blog post on my website. ...

Second mock up for the pair of Spurs T-shirt quilts. Whew!
Go Spurs Go!!!

My assistant is asleep on the job! ...

My son’s latest project! Please support on go fund me!!! ...

Latest t-quilt. One of a pair. This is just the mock up. NOTE: my website was pirated so working on a new site. It will be 🥳 ...

Six Camp Honey Creek memory quilts for the new bunkhouse in Hunt, TX! ...

Some of you may know that my sweet Pomeranian, Hope, went to heaven last April. She was 13 human years old. Theresa took her fur that I had saved from daily brushing and made yarn. It is so beautiful. I have tears of sadness and joy. Thank you Theresa! ...

Tiny piece for Fiber Artists of San Antonio and the Library. ...

It’s one of THOSE days. ...

I went to the library for some crafty seashell painting! Yay Tobin Library! ...

Mimi has written an awesome book. I learned about kudzu! Interesting characters, excellent language reflecting time and place, sharp sentences. Wish I had been as smart as Mattie, the main character, when I was younger! My heart was truly invested through the entire story. Thank you, Mimi for your hard work to bring this to us! ...

Light and color theory from the kitchen. CMYK ya’ll !!! ...

Cosy “factory” happening. Warhol ain’t got nuthin on this factory. ...